
Robert Gordon University
英国, 阿伯丁郡
罗伯特戈登大学是苏格兰阿伯丁城市的一所现代化大学,其以提供的从本科到博士的高质量教育而闻名国际。该校是一所比较年轻的大学,建于1992年,但在2009年泰晤士报优秀大学导航中,罗伯特戈登大学被称为“英国最好的现代化大学”。同期刊物还指出罗伯特戈登大学08/09学年的毕业生就业率高达95%以上,全英排名第四。 罗伯特戈登大学由阿伯丁商学院,设计与技术学院和健康和社会保健三个学院组成,设有一系列多样化且极具吸引力的课程,如护理、商业、法律、工程、科学、计算机、艺术、设计、建筑、药理和健康科学等。所有的课程都是学术理论结合实际经验,并在和企业的密切联系中不断的发展。正因为罗伯特戈登大学的课程总是将最好的学术和职业世界结合在一起,所以该校毕业的学生就业率总是骄人的。
The university's priority is to house first year undergraduates and students arriving for the first time, regardless of their year of study. An online accommodation application process enables individuals to apply and accept accommodation offers prior to their arrival, including notification of any physical and/or sensory impairment requiring provision. The university manages a wide range of self-catering halls around central Aberdeen and the Garthdee campus which include 24/7 support staff. Most rental costs include Internet, insurance and utilities, and shared twin rooms are available at a budget cost. After an offer of accommodation has been accepted, students are asked to complete an online induction before their arrival in Aberdeen which includes information about their specific accommodation and an online inventory. To help students looking for accommodation after their first year, RGU produces a Moving On booklet, available on the university website. Please refer to the university website for details of accommodation.
You can take part in sport and exercise at a number of different levels. It's up to you! Some level of participation is good for your general well-being and, knowing this, universities are working hard to offer the best facilities and opportunities they can to meet your needs. See a summary of exercise and sport provision below, or search the Sports Table to discover which sports and activities are offered at each university. Performance sport (varsity level, which is competition between universities through BUCS �C British Universities & Colleges Sport). Intramural sport (competition level within your university). Social and recreational sport (informal participation). Health and well-being or lifestyle (e.g. gym, fitness, yoga and pilates classes, swimming pool). Summary Student sports club members: 1,441 Number of sports offered through student-run sports clubs: 34 Teams in non-BUCS leagues: 10 Performance Sport BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport) is the national governing body for sport in higher education in the UK. BUCS ranking (2015�C16): 69th Teams in BUCS leagues: 27 Social and Recreational Sport This is more casual, requiring no regular commitment. Sports and physical activity programmes per week: 61 Hours of timetabled drop-in sessions for informal sports coaching: 1 Health and Wellbeing This is not to do with chasing the prize and winning the race, but physical exercise as an end in its own right �C for personal benefit and well-being. Go at your own pace. Health and wellbeing programme Yes Fitness classes (bookable, instructor-led): 60 Fitness class student capacity: 1,500 Sports Bursaries and Scholarships Sports scholarships (or equivalent) programmes Yes Number of students supported (2015�C16): 19 TASS or Winning Students sports scholarships* Yes Sports scholars (2015�C16): 2 *Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) helps athletes in education (16+) in England. Winning Students scholarships are awarded annually to students in Scotland. The figures above are responses to a survey based on the 2015�C16 academic year. The numbers of classes are per week in term-time.
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