
Johns Hopkins University
美国, 马里兰州4.2
约翰霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称霍普金斯(Hopkins或JHU),位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市的顶尖私立大学,以医学、公共卫生、空间科学、国际关系、文学及音乐等学科而闻名世界,也是哈勃空间望远镜和詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜的地面控制中心所在地。连续30年全球科研经费最高的大学。有37名校友获诺贝尔奖。
Johns Hopkins is located on several campuses in Baltimore, MD. The main undergraduate campus is in the northern part of the city. JHU is very much a ‘city school’ albeit in a quiet part of a small city. Most of the area around the campus is residential and has seen some development recently that has expanded options for students. The area around campus feels very safe, but you do not want to stray too many blocks away as you could easily end up in a less than welcoming neighborhood. On St. Paul Street, which is one block down from and runs parallel to campus, there is a new condominium complex with a storefront that was built in January 2007. There's nothing spectacular - a stationery store, a 24-hour mini-mart, a clothing store, Cold Stone Creamery, Subway, Starbucks, and a Chipotle. Still, since all the neighborhood had before was a few restaurants, a bank, and a grocery store, it's considered an improvement. The new Barnes and Noble, aka the campus book store, is also vastly better than the too-small one that once resided in the basement of one of the campus buildings. Within walking distance are several grocery stores and a two-screen movie theater, as well as the Ottobar, a small music venue, and Paper Moon, a 24-hour diner with mannequins and retro toys decorating the walls. It's not a lot, but it's better than it used to be. Despite the chain stores and restaurants that have recently opened, the local area remains quirky and interesting with favorite eateries such as One World Café, a great vegetarian restaurant, Carma's, a breakfast place, and various international cuisine ranging from Indian food to Sushi. There is even an ice cream shop that serves spinach, pumpkin, and carrot flavored ice cream. Gertrude's, at the Baltimore Museum of Art, which is about a block away from campus, is typically filled because of its '10 Dollar Tuesdays.' Students can also take the free Hopkins Vans (or walk the ten minutes) to Hampden where you find funky and eclectic shops that include inexpensive antique stores and chic, expensive boutiques.
140 acres acres
The main campus of Johns Hopkins was Johns Hopkins was originally located in downtown Baltimore. However, needing room to grow, the trustees of the school decided to relocate the campus to the estate of Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later a senator from Maryland, and to Homewood House, an estate in northern Baltimore. The Homewood Campus is park-like at 140 acres, and buildings are red brick and marble in the Federalist style. Homewood has nearly 4,600 full-time undergraduates and more than 1,600 full-time graduate students in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering. The Baltimore Museum of Art is near the southern end of the campus, while athletic fields are to the north. The campus is organized in quads with plenty of open spaces for students to enjoy. The campus’ medical institutions are located in the east Baltimore neighborhood, which is home to the School of Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the School of Nursing. This campus runs several city blocks from the original Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus
Coed dorms, single student apartments, disabled student housing
Freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus, and since the construction of the Charles Commons, upperclassmen are also given the option of entering the housing lottery and a chance at living on campus. In theory, anyone who enters the lottery can live in any of the dorms, but given the difference in quality and dorm amenities, the choices tend to fall along class standing. Freshmen live in either the AMRs (Alumni Memorial Residences), Buildings A and B, or Wolman. The AMRs are the oldest dorms on campus. There are two buildings: AMR I and AMR II, located directly on the freshman quad. Each building is made up of houses named after prominent Hopkins Alumni (such as Woodrow Wilson). Each house shares three floors, and these houses participate in various planned activities organized by the RA. The rooms do not have air conditioning (which is particularly a problem at the beginning and end of the year, especially on the third floor), and residents share bathrooms at the end of the hall. Most houses (save the one all-female house and one all-male house) are co-ed, though rooms and bathrooms are single-sex. The rooms range in size and are either single or double occupancy. Some are very large and others are extremely tiny; occasionally, single rooms will be larger than double rooms. Although the amenities aren't great, many people choose to live in these dorms because they are supposedly the most social. However, it really depends on what type of people live on a given floor and in a given house. Buildings A and B, which are located behind the AMRs and above the Fresh Food Cafe, are suite-style living. Typically, this means there are two rooms connected by a short hall that share a bathroom. They do not have carpeting, but do have air-conditioning. Occasionally suites in A and B, due to excessive demand for housing, are turned into forced triples. Wolman is the last building for freshman housing and is often filled with athletes because it offers vacation housing, which allows students to stay in the dorms during holidays and breaks. Like A and B, Wolman is also suite-style living, but the suites have a mini-kitchen with burners, a sink, and cabinets, in addition to the shared bathroom. Wolman offers the most amenities of the freshman housing options. The floors are carpeted and the rooms are air-conditioned. There are lounges with a TV and DVD/VCR on each floor, and as such, Wolman tends to be very social. The only detriment to living in Wolman is that it is not technically on campus, but in the dorm cluster across the street from the library. However, since the construction of Charles Commons, the Barnes & Noble Bookstore, and the revitalization of shops along St. Paul, just behind Wolman, it is a very busy, social, and convenient location. Housing for upperclassmen is not as strictly defined as freshman housing is, because it depends entirely on the lottery system and where people want to live. Charles Commons is only two years old and one of the more popular choices. Made up entirely of suite-style rooms, residents can choose to live in either a double or a quad. In the doubles, there is one bathroom for the two single rooms to share and a small common kitchen with burners, a sink, and a mini-fridge, along with a table and chairs. In the quad there are two bathrooms, a kitchen with a large refrigerator, table and chairs, and a living room with a TV stand, couch, side tables, and a chair with an ottoman. The building itself has a small gym with treadmills, elliptical machines, bikes, a common kitchen with an oven, and Nolan's, one of the main dining halls on campus. There are also study rooms and lounges with a TV on each floor, and the building has a mailroom. Aside from going to class, students don’t really have to leave the building if they don’t want to. McCoy Hall is another housing option that is popular with sophomores – only if that’s because it's picked last. It is very similar to Wolman with its suite-style living and a small kitchen. The rooms may be a little larger but the only other difference is that it has a small gym on the second floor. Other than that, McCoy is the same as Wolman. The one thing people can do when living in McCoy is find a bunch of people to live with (at least 16) and try to block off a floor. Bradford and Homewood are the two apartment-style dorms on campus. Bradford is located one block down from Wolman and McCoy, while Homewood is farther away and somewhat removed from the campus and the main cluster of dorms and shops. Bradford is nine stories high while Homewood is six, and each contain studio, one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom apartments available to students. Each contains a full kitchen, bathroom (sometimes two, depending on size), and living room. The studio is the only exception, consisting of one bedroom which also serves as the living room, plus the usual amenities. Bradford and Homewood are built in such a way that they're less communal than the suite-style or traditional dorms, as there are no real community/study rooms, and RAs do not typically organize events. Both buildings have laundry rooms in the basement and gyms in the building, though Bradford's ‘gym’ consists of a treadmill and elliptical alongside the washing machines. Homewood is considered the nicer of the two, as it offers much larger rooms and better facilities, though Bradford is popular for its convenience to campus, the bookstore, and the shops along St. Paul.
The Johns Hopkins Blue Jays compete at the Division III level and in the Centennial Conference, except for their Division I men’s and women’s lacrosse teams. The men’s lacrosse team has won 44 national titles, nine of them Division I titles. “The most popular teams on campus are the men’s and women’s DI lacrosse teams. They draw enormous crowds, even when students are stressed out because of exams. In particular, the JHU men's lacrosse team is nationally recognized for their winning streak. When Duke comes to Homewood Field, the crowd goes crazy. All the students wear black or blue shirts and sit in The Nest, which is the student section. It is a great time with lots of families and other fans attending the games. While nothing compares to the popularity of the lacrosse teams, the water polo team, men’s and women’s basketball and soccer teams, and the men’s baseball teams all have a decent fan base. In fact, in the last years, all of these aforementioned teams have done very well and the men’s water polo is one of the most successful Division III teams in the country and plays a full schedule against Division I opponents.”
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施一公,男,汉族,1967年5月5日生,河南郑州人,1989年本科毕业于清华大学,1995年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学获博士学位。结构生物学家、清华大学教授、中国科学院院士、欧洲分子生物学学会外籍会士、美国国家科学院外籍院士、美国人文与科学院外籍院士,2017年获第二届“未来科学大奖”之“生命科学奖”。曾任清华大学副校长。现任中国科学技术协会第九届全国委员会副主席,西湖大学校长。 1967年,施一公出生在河南省郑州市小郭庄。1972年,离开小郭庄,全家搬往200公里之外的驻马店市。1984年毕业于河南省实验中学,并获全国高中数学联赛一等奖(河南省第一名),保送至清华大学生物科学与技术系,1989年提前一年毕业,获得学士学位。1995年获美国约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院分子生物物理博士学位,随后在美国纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心进行博士后研究。 1998年—2008年,历任美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系助理教授、副教授、终身教授、Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis讲席教授。2008年,婉拒了美国霍华德休斯医学中心(HHMI)研究员的邀请,全职回到清华大学工作,任清华大学生命科学学院院长,教授、博导。2013年4月25日当选为美国艺术与科学学院院士;4月30日 当选美国国家科学院外籍院士;2013年12月19日当选中国科学院院士。 2013年9月13日,瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)宣布授予清华大学施一公教授2014年度爱明诺夫奖(Gregori Aminoff Prize)。2014年12月9日施一公以校长助理身份,会见匈牙利罗兰大学校长巴纳·德布勒森一行。2014年12月11日证实,施一公教授已出任清华大学校长助理。2015年8月,施一公拟出任清华大学副校长。2015年9月,中科院院士施一公出任清华大学副校长。 2016年3月25日,施一公获“影响世界华人大奖”。2016年6月2日,中国科协第九次全国代表大会举行第九届全委会第一次会议,施一公当选中国科学技术协会第九届全国委员会副主席。2018年1月9日,施一公已请求辞去清华大学副校长职务,筹建西湖大学。2018年4月16日,施一公当选西湖大学首任校长。2018年12月,入选“中国改革开放海归40年40人”榜单。
王微,1973年出生于福建福州,视频分享网站土豆网的创始人及前CEO,追光动画创始人。 王微拥有欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD,枫丹白露,法国)的MBA学位以及约翰霍普金斯大学的计算机硕士学位。在创立土豆网之前,王微是德国贝塔斯曼集团总部的企业发展总监兼贝塔斯曼在线中国执行总裁。在此期间,王微负责贝塔斯曼集团在中国的战略策划以及贝塔斯曼在线中国的重组工作。2005年1月,王微创立土豆网。2011年8月土豆网在美国纳斯达克上市。2012年8月23日,在优酷并购土豆案正式完成后,他宣布从土豆网退休。 2013年3月,王微向外界公开了自己的下一个项目:追光动画。2014年3月12日,追光动画发布首部动画短片《小夜游》;6月,追光动画完成B轮2000万美元融资。2015年3月12日,追光动画首部3D动画电影《小门神》在北京发布首款预告片。2小时内,#电影小门神#话题跃升微博“电影热门榜”第一位。