
Carnegie Mellon University
美国, 宾夕法尼亚州4.2
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)是一所研究型私立大学。该校位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡。1967年由卡内基理工学院和梅隆工业研究所合并成立。该校面积不大,却拥有全美第一所计算机学院和戏剧学院,该校的艺术学院,商学院,工学院、公共管理学院以及计算机、心理学、统计学、应用数学、决策科学、计算生物学等都在全美名列前茅,因为杰出的表现,卡内基梅隆大学被评选为新常春藤(new ivies)之一。其电脑科学研究和麻省理工学院并列全美第一。其工学院卡内基理工学院排名全美第六,全世界科技领域大学排名第七。商学院MBA《经济学人》世界排名十六。Business Week商学院排名15。 茅以升博士是卡内基梅隆大学毕业的首位博士,该校校园内树立有茅以升的全身像。
Carnegie Mellon is located between Oakland and Shadyside in Pennsylvania. The largest nearby city is Pittsburgh. Oakland is still primarily a college town, with the University of Pittsburgh and CMU students living in the area. Shadyside is more residential but still has bars and shops that students frequent. A 21 and over destination of choice is the Panther Hollow Inn or PHI bar, about a block away from main campus. Students flock there for the cheap food and drinks. Essentially in CMU’s backyard is Scheneley Park, a 500-acre rolling hillside that shows free movies and concerts during the summer. Students frequent the park for hiking, biking, or just to get away from the buzz of college life. Cultural institutions such as the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh are also in very close proximity to campus. These four museums feature art of all kinds, from prehistoric remains to Warhol paintings. Students also go to Pittsburgh for professional sports games, concerts at the Post-Gazette Pavilion, and the South Side area where they can go to shops, bars, clubs or smoke shisha at HKAN, a hookah bar founded and managed by CMU alums.
148 acres acres
Carnegie Mellon has a stately campus with an eclectic group of buildings, ranging from large and concrete to classic to modern. All are impressive in their own right. The College of Fine Arts building is massive, with stone carvings on the exterior wall, murals on the ceiling and paintings and sculptures of musicians and playwrights throughout. The building is used for teaching as well as musical performances. At the center of campus is The Mall, a grassy area used for events throughout the year such as orientation, concerts, and convocation and commencement ceremonies. The Mall provides views of many of the campus’s classic buildings such as Doherty Hall, Baker Hall, and Porter Hall, among others. CMU’s main lawn is The Cut, named as such because it used to be a deep ravine that was subsequently filled with dirt. Today it is a park-like area where students can relax or play. Paths around The Cut lead to the Purnell Center for the Arts, the university’s new Drama School, as well as take you to the University Center, the campus’s student union. The UC is a popular on-campus spot. There’s a large open room where students can meet, plus eateries, basketball courts, racquetball courts and a swimming pool. Architecturally the building is meant to function as its own urban community, with its hallways serving as pedestrian streets, a public square serving as the commons, and an urban, utilitarian aesthetic. Many buildings such as the Roberts Engineering Hall, Wean Hall, and Warner Hall are mostly concrete with metal and glass sections that offset theseverity of the concrete.
Freshmen are required to live on campus
Coed dorms, women's dorms, men's dorms, single student apartments, disabled student housing, fraternity/sorority housing
First-year students at Carnegie Mellon are required to live on campus. Housing is guaranteed for all four years, and many students choose to stay on campus throughout their time at the school. There are 20 to 30 different dorms on campus. Most are small and house only a handful of students. There are a few main dorms, however, and they are where most of the students who live on campus reside. New House is a major dorm and is also the nicest: it is very close to campus and every room is newly carpeted with individual temperature control. New House’s amenities also include workout facilities, ping-pong tables, pool tables, and more within the dorm. Bathrooms are communal but are cleaned on a regular basis. The RA’s don’t allow much to go on in these dorms; partying is kept to a minimum, as is the case for most university housing. The next big dorm is Morewood Gardens, where many first years reside. Its proximity to campus is convenient and there is a dining hall directly underneath (the Underground). Students say West Wing is the nicest in on-campus living at CMU. Designated mostly for upperclassmen, each room has its own bathroom and small kitchen which is a great arrangement for htose who want to stay on campus while becoming a bit more independent. The residence also has a computer cluster on the ground floor, so printing assignments and the like is very easy. Many students invite friends over and socialize in their room, all the while keeping in mind their RA is just down the hall.
Carnegie Mellon’s Tartans compete at the Division III level and are members of the University Athletic Association, UAA. In 2006 the football team was offered a bid to the NCAA playoffs and became one of the first teams in school history to win an NCAA playoff game, defeating Millsaps College, 21-0. Men’s cross country has finished in the top 15 for the past three years in a row. Men’s track and field is also strong and both teams claim All-American runners. On June 23rd runner Brian Harvey was honored as Academic All-American for the second year in a row. In May, Coach Aldrich was named Mideast Region Assistant Coach of the Year by the US Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association. CMU’s other varsity sports teams include men’s basketball, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, and tennis. Women’s sports include basketball, cross country, track and field, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, and volleyball. Club sports teams include Crew, Ultimate Frisbee, Baseball, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Ice Hockey, Field Hockey, Fencing, Softball, Water Polo, Badminton, Explorers, Racquetball, Soccer, Tennis, Rugby, Grappling, and Cycling.
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李开复,1961年12月3日出生于台湾省新北市中和区,祖籍四川成都,现已移居北京市。 1966年,李开复在台湾就读小学,1972年,李开复跟随哥哥至美国田纳西州橡树岭就读初中、高中,1983年从哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系毕业,1988年获得卡内基梅隆大学计算机系博士,当年被《商业周刊》授予“最重要科学创新奖”。李开复卡内基梅隆大学计算机学博士毕业后,在该校担任assistant professor (即助理教授,李开复在中文自传中则将其翻译为副教授,引起巨大争议。实际上assistant professor 是助理教授,associate professor 才是副教授)两年。 1990年到1996年,李开复在美国苹果电脑公司历任语音组经理、多媒体实验室主任、互动多媒体部全球副总裁等职位。1996年到1998年,李开复在美国硅谷图形公司SGI电脑公司担任互联网部门副总裁兼总经理、Cosmo软件公司总裁,负责多平台、互联网三维图形和多媒体软件的研发工作。 1998年7月,李开复加入微软并在中国创建并领导微软中国研究院(现为微软亚洲研究院),在极短时间内创建了一个国际一流的计算机研究院,该实验室曾被《麻省理工学院技术评论》评为“最火的计算机实验室”。2005年7月19日,Google宣布将在中国设立产品研发中心,李开复将负责其中国研发中心的运营,并担任谷歌(Google)全球副总裁兼大中华区总裁。2009年9月4日,谷歌全球副总裁、大中华区总裁李开复将于今天正式离职。2009年9月7日,李开复宣布创立“创新工场”。 2013年9月,李开复对外宣布罹患淋巴癌。2013年10月21日称最近化疗后身体检查结果有几项指数未降反升,需要更加严格的遵照医嘱,专注于治疗和休养。不得不大幅度减少在社交媒体上的时间。2015年2月13日,据创新工场联合创始人王肇辉的朋友圈状态显示,李开复在患病离开北京17个月后回到了创新工场的北京办公室,与员工进行交流。2015年11月6日,由李开复创办的创新工场(北京)企业管理股份有限公司于今日在股转系统披露公开转让说明书,正式冲刺新三板。2018年12月,入选“中国改革开放海归40年40人”榜单。