
University of California, Berkeley
美国, 加利福尼亚州4.2
柏克莱加州大学,全称柏克莱加利福尼亚大学(英语:University of California, Berkeley,也缩写为柏克莱加大、英语:UC Berkeley、Berkeley或Cal,也常译为柏克莱大学或加州大学柏克莱分校),是美国最负盛名的一所公立研究型大学,位于旧金山东湾柏克莱市的山丘上。 伯克利加大是加利福尼亚大学中最老的一所。它也是美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的创始会员之一。学校每学期为本科生和研究生提供近300门可选课程。学校总面积为约27平方公里,中心校园面积约为0.8平方公里。 在美国的大学运动联赛裡因以往只有一所加州大学,因此伯克利一直以California作校名,简称Cal,并沿用至今;其吉祥物蜕变自加州徽号,故其学生亦常自称「金色小熊」(Golden Bears/Cal Bears)。 柏克莱研究水平非常坚厚,六种化学元素为柏克莱科研人员所发现,若计入与其关係密切的劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室更多达16种,位居世界第一,其中鉳(Berkelium)更以柏克莱命名;根据美国国家科学研究委员会柏克莱拥有全美最多十大杰出研究课程,另学校共有70位诺贝尔奖、9位沃尔夫奖、7位菲尔兹奖(数学)、15位图灵奖、45位麦克阿瑟奖、20位奥斯卡金像奖(演艺)及11位普立兹奖(新闻)得主;除此以外,其化学、英文、社会学、心理学、历史等多门科学长期被美国新闻与世界报导评为全美第一。 除学术以外,柏克莱亦是体育运动上傲视全球,其校友共获159面奥林匹克运动会奖牌(91金、40银、28铜),其中一年内(2008年)获17面是以学校计算的纪录,校友娜塔莉·歌芙莲是首位在同一届(2008年)中获得六面奖牌的女性、11面奖牌(包括8面金牌)得主马特·尼古拉斯·比昂迪更打破12项世界纪录;另学校赛艇代表队曾三次代表美国在奥运会夺金亦是世界纪录。
While UC Berkeley is a 25-minute subway ride from San Francisco and ten minutes by bus from Oakland, the city of Berkeley is a pretty diverse place in its own right. It’s the kind of town where the environmentally conscious can frequent farmers markets for organic produce or even grow their own in a communal field. The lives of workaday people, homeless people, city administrators, and assorted Oakland wash-overs is mixed in with the student body, contributing significantly to the feeling among Berkeley undergrads that the real world is at their door every day. The neighborhoods around UC Berkeley are each unique. To the north, near the engineering buildings, the houses are nicer and generally a bit more expensive, and things are usually quieter. On Southside, the scene tends to be louder and more energetic. Apartments can be a bit dingier and it feels a bit more like an urban center, with its homeless population, restaurants, and bookstores. West Berkeley is a rather eclectic area, containing the City of Berkeley Administration and several businesses; this area is rarely visited by students.
1232 acres acres
UC Berkeley’s central campus occupies 178 acres in the heart of Berkeley. At the high-traffic southern entrance stands Sather Gate, and the middle of campus is home to 307-foot Sather Tower, nicknamed “the Campanile.” The most architecturally distinguished structures on campus were built in the Beaux-Arts Classic style and include Hearst Greek Theatre, Hearst Memorial Mining Building, Doe Memorial Library, and Wheel Hall. Coming down from the Berkeley Hills, Strawberry Creek cuts straight through campus. Earthquake-minded Californians may also know that Berkeley sits atop Hayward Fault. As for campus hangouts, many students can be found studying at Free Speech Movement Café. With its proximity to the library, FSM gets incredibly busy around finals season. Eccentrics and activists flock to Sproul Plaza to promote the latest cause or to share their religious beliefs with fellow Bears. Because it is rather difficult to get through Sproul without being badgered, some undergraduates prefer to take the “scenic” route and avoid the headache.
Coed dorms, women's dorms, men's dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing, fraternity/sorority housing, cooperative housing
UC Berkeley provides a wide range of living options, and housing is guaranteed for two years. There are six major student dorms at UC Berkeley, all of which students generally find to be friendly, safe environments in which they can make their first friends in college. ‘The Units’ are Units 1, 2, and 3. Units 1 and 2 are composed of six high-rise buildings with a central courtyard. Each has an underground student room, conference room, computing center, and exercise room. The computing centers are a great resource for students who need fast computers with up-to-date programs, and they also contain printing and copying machines. In between Units 1 and 2 is Crossroads, the largest dining common; it is generally agreed that students in the Units have the best options for meal plans. Unit 3 is composed of four older high-rise buildings with a central courtyard and dining hall called Café 3. Most students want to live in the Units due to their large concentration of undergrads as well as their prime location, right off campus on “Southside.” The units are near Telegraph Ave., which means they’re close to restaurants, cafés, stores, and the central areas of campus. Their main drawback is the lack of space, especially when it comes to triples, in which three students live in a room that was originally designed for two. The older buildings are a little run down, but most new students enjoy the social atmosphere. Foothill Dorm, also known as Unit 4, is composed of two buildings called Foothill-Hillside, and Foothill-La Loma. Located on the northeast corner of campus at the base of the Berkeley Hills, Foothill is a nice option for students who enjoy a little more privacy and seclusion. Students live in singles or doubles in suites with a shared common area. This option is best for students who want to get to know their suitemates more intimately and who don’t want to share a bathroom with an entire floor of freshmen. One downside is that its dining hall is smaller and lacks some of the variety that can be found in other cafeterias. Foothill is known as the “quiet dorm,” though it may not always deserve that title. It is closest to the side of campus where the science buildings are based, so chemistry labs, physics classrooms, and the main buildings for other science majors are all nearby. Adjacent to Foothill-Hillside is Stern Hall, which houses only women and has a reputation for being quiet and less social than the other dorms, though it is of course a great option for female students who prefer single-sex housing. Bowles Hall is the men’s-only dorm on the other side of Stern. Its exterior has the austere look of a castle, but the inside is typically known for being unkempt. Most men living in Bowles did not choose to live there, but ended up in Bowles because they filled out their housing application past the deadline. Clark Kerr formerly housed the State Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. The Spanish-style residential complex is about five blocks southeast of the main campus, making it the most distant of the dorms. However, Clark Kerr is close to most of the sports teams’ practice fields, so a lot of student athletes opt to live there. On average, its rooms are larger than those in the other dorms. Students live in doubles and triples in the complex’s multiple buildings, and there are lots of grassy areas that students can visit to get some fresh air. The dining hall is known for offering more dishes made from fresh ingredients like seasonal vegetables. Still, Clark Kerr is close enough to the Units that students can eat at Crossroads, which has the widest selection of all the dining halls.
In the world of sports, UC Berkeley’s teams enjoy the privilege of being known as the University of California Golden Bears (or more casually as the Cal Beas) because Berkeley was the first of the UCs. Cal is an NCAA Division I school that competes in the Pacific-10 Conference. The Golden Bears have won 66 total titles in 16 different sports. “There is no question that Cal football has the largest following of any team on campus. The stadium is crowded on game days, when frat row becomes a circus of mid-day debauchery. The basketball team enjoys significant visibility and occasional success as well, and members of the swimming and water polo teams seem to pop up all over campus. Clearly the most successful squad is the rugby team, which has won 24 national titles over the past 29 years. While the major sports articles in the Daily Cal tend to focus on football, basketball, and tennis, the victorious rugby team quietly appears in the bottom corner adjacent to scores like 50-0.”
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