耶鲁大学PhD in Economics招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
耶鲁大学PhD in Economics招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。Department of Economics, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Code:Institution Code:3987
The TOEFL is required of all applicants whose native language is not English. This requirement is waived only for applicants who have received a baccalaureate degree, or its foreign equivalent, prior to matriculation at Yale, from a college or university where English is the primary language of instruction. NOTE: 1 or 2 year MA degree does not qualify for the waiver. If you do not qualify for a waiver but have taken the TOEFL within the last two years you will need to have your TOEFL scores released to us (code 3987). If your scores can no longer be released, you will need to take the test. The test should be taken as early as possible to ensure that your scores are received in time to be incorporated in your file. Normally TOEFL scores will not be released if they are older than two years. If you took the TOEFL before and ETS will release those scores then you should no have to retake the examination.
You may substitute IELTS for TOEFL. For additional information and the latest updates on the TOEFL and TSE, please visit the ETS website: www.toefl.org.
Code:Institution Code:3987
The General Test is required of all applicants. Applicants should take the GRE no later than November. Applicants are strongly encouraged to register early to schedule test dates and times. For registration forms, test dates, test centers, and general information contact www.gre.org. The minimum quantitative GRE score required for admission is 160. There are no minima for other sections of the test.