德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校硕博申请项目_ut austin研究生申请要求-申请方


The University of Texas at Austin



McCombs School of Business

Master2025 Fall
Update Time2024年09月29日



Work Experience

We strongly recommend that MBA applicants have a minimum of two years full-time, post-baccalaureate work experience.

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Program Information

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Application deadline



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The University of Texas at Austin大学申请条件和要求都有哪些?下面给大家展示一下The University of Texas at Austin大学MBA申请要求和录取条件,雅思需要达到6.5,托福分数要求是79,听力0阅读0,口语0,写作0都是The University of Texas at Austin大学对于申请的要求条件
Standardized Test
TOEFL Requiredment
79 /120
IELTS Requiredment
6.5 /9.0
Examination CategoryTotalListeningReadingSpeakingWriting

Code:Institution code:6882

All international applicants to the Texas Full-Time MBA Program are required to have taken the TOEFL or IELTS prior to the application submission deadline for the round in which they are applying. TOEFL and IELTS test scores expire two years from the test date. Please note that UT Austin does not accept electronic copies of IELTS scores. The minimum scores considered acceptable for admission by the Graduate School are: TOEFL: 79 on the Internet-based test (iBT). A waiver of the TOEFL or IELTS is automatically granted (no request needed) if you are an international applicant and have earned an undergraduate degree in a country where the official language is English (must be official language, not just an English-speaking institution or a country where English is spoken). Applicants who meet one of the following criteria may also be eligible for a TOEFL/IELTS waiver: You have lived and worked full-time in the U.S. or in a country where English is the official language for at least two of the past four years. You hold a master's degree from a college or university located in the U.S. or from a country where English is the official language. You were educated solely in English for your undergraduate and/or prior graduate degree. If you do not meet any of these conditions, you are required to submit the TOEFL or IELTS exam without exception. You will have the option to request a TOEFL/IELTS waiver while filling out your application. Waivers are processed 7-10 business days after application submission.


All international applicants to the Texas Full-Time MBA Program are required to have taken the TOEFL or IELTS prior to the application submission deadline for the round in which they are applying. TOEFL and IELTS test scores expire two years from the test date. Please note that UT Austin does not accept electronic copies of IELTS scores. The minimum scores considered acceptable for admission by the Graduate School are: IELTS: An overall band of 6.5 on the Academic Examination A waiver of the TOEFL or IELTS is automatically granted (no request needed) if you are an international applicant and have earned an undergraduate degree in a country where the official language is English (must be official language, not just an English-speaking institution or a country where English is spoken). Applicants who meet one of the following criteria may also be eligible for a TOEFL/IELTS waiver: You have lived and worked full-time in the U.S. or in a country where English is the official language for at least two of the past four years. You hold a master's degree from a college or university located in the U.S. or from a country where English is the official language. You were educated solely in English for your undergraduate and/or prior graduate degree. If you do not meet any of these conditions, you are required to submit the TOEFL or IELTS exam without exception. You will have the option to request a TOEFL/IELTS waiver while filling out your application. Waivers are processed 7-10 business days after application submission.



Code:Institution code:6882

All Texas Full-Time MBA Program applicants are required to have taken the GMAT or GRE prior to the application submission deadline for the round in which they are applying. The Admissions Committee does not have a preference on which test you take and we are only interested in your highest score (we do not average scores). Applicants are required to both self-report their test scores in their McCombs application as well as have official score reports sent directly to UT Austin by the testing agency. GMAT and GRE test scores expire five years after the test date. The date that your official scores are sent to UT Austin by the testing agency should be no later than the application round deadline as it can take up to 3-4 weeks for official test scores to be received and processed by UT Austin’s central Graduate and International Admissions Center (GIAC).


Code:Institution code: 396-44-45

All Texas Full-Time MBA Program applicants are required to have taken the GMAT or GRE prior to the application submission deadline for the round in which they are applying. The Admissions Committee does not have a preference on which test you take and we are only interested in your highest score (we do not average scores). Applicants are required to both self-report their test scores in their McCombs application as well as have official score reports sent directly to UT Austin by the testing agency. GMAT and GRE test scores expire five years after the test date. The date that your official scores are sent to UT Austin by the testing agency should be no later than the application round deadline as it can take up to 3-4 weeks for official test scores to be received and processed by UT Austin’s central Graduate and International Admissions Center (GIAC).


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Application Materials
The University of Texas at Austin大学申请都需要哪些材料那?The University of Texas at Austin大学申请费用是多少那,让我们一起看看出国留学需要准备哪些材料和步骤吧,【工商管理硕士】申请费用要求【90】,推荐信要求【3】。个人陈述PS【】,个人英文简历CV【】。想我们大概了解了The University of Texas at Austin大学申请所需的材料了,在收到录取通知书后就可以准备入学了
Required after admission
Recommendation letter
Application Fee

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Official contacts
Name:Graduate Admission

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