密歇根州立大学MS in Criminal Justice招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
密歇根州立大学MS in Criminal Justice招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。School of Criminal Justice, College of Social Science

Resident tuition: 785.75 per credit-hour basis; Non-resident international tuition: 1544 per credit-hour basis.
Code:Institution code: 1465
International students must submit Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam scores from a test taken within the past two years. MSU's score requirement is a minimum average score of 80, with no subscores below 19 for Reading, Listening and Speaking, and no subscore below 22 for Writing.
Code:Institution code: 1465
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) general scores from an exam taken within the last five years. The GRE exam is waived for candidates with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.2 or higher or for applicants with a completed graduate degree.