
PhD Open Position2023FallRolling
University of Glasgow
格拉斯哥大学肇建于1451年,英国顶尖学府,位于苏格兰第一大城市,是在全世界享有盛誉的研究型大学,英国罗素大学集团创始成员,在最新的世界大学排名中,居QS榜单第81位,US news榜单第74位,泰晤士高等教育榜单第82位。本实验室拥有先进完善的自主系统软硬件测试平台,可为科研项目开展提供有力支持。 我们也欢迎优秀的访问学生和访问学者,请邮件联系: dezong.zhao@glasgow.ac.uk 因为咨询的同学很多,恕不能保证回复所有邮件。对于条件合适的同学,将在1周内收到回复。 个人主页: https://sites.google.com/site/zhaodezong/
University of Glasgow 赵德宗博士招收全奖博士生(CSC)项目有没有奖学金,是不是全奖Phd招生,下面我们一起看一下【大学名称】Phd的奖学金资助情况
英国格拉斯哥大学2023/2024学年博士奖学金开放申请,包括国际生奖学金和国家留学基金委(CSC)奖学金。具体信息如下: 1. 国际奖学金 there are two parts of application, admission and scholarship. see below: (1) an on-line academic application by following the link to the relevant research area and clicking on the 'apply now' tab: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/ applicants should attach relevant documents such as cv, transcripts, references and a research proposal. (2) a scholarship application via the new online portal: https://frontdoor.spa.gla.ac.uk/ScholarshipApp/ as part of this new process, supervisors will receive an automated email asking them to provide a supporting statement for an applicant via the system. once the supervisor completes this step, the applicant will be notified and can then submit their application. any queries can be directed to eng-jws@glasgow.ac.uk an overview of the application process can be found on: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/engineering/phdopportunities/ 2.国家留学基金委奖学金 in order to be considered for a CSC scholarship, applicants must submit an academic application and indicate 'csc funding' in the funding section of the application form - there is no separate scholarship application process. please note that scholarships can only be provided to new phd students. further information can be found on the university website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/scholarships/thechinascholarshipcouncil/
University of GlasgowPhd申请条件和要求都有哪些?赵德宗博士招收全奖博士生(CSC)项目是不是全奖?有没有奖学金?下面我们一起看一下University of Glasgow申请Phd直招需要具备哪些条件和要求,以及托福、雅思语言成绩要到多少才能申请。
How to register
赵德宗博士毕业于清华大学自动化系,现任格拉斯哥大学工程学院长聘副教授,自主与互联系统系(Division of Autonomous Systems and Connectivity)副主任,英国工程与自然科学基金会(EPSRC)学者,英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者,英国高等教育学会会士(Fellow of HEA),IEEE高级会员,英国EPSRC基金评议专家,英国杰出青年基金评议专家。研究兴趣包括无人驾驶汽车、机器人、车联网、AI理论与方法、控制理论与应用、因果推断等。曾作为核心成员成功研制出世界首台发动机废气能量回收装置。他是英国EPSRC“基于云端优化的低碳智能汽车”及皇家学会“混合车辆队列的通信与控制”等项目的首席科学家。